Good Morning Sun Salutations

Good morning everyone!  Wow, it’s a dreary morning in NYC.  My apartment still looks like it’s nighttime.  Thankfully I found the picture above on and it brightened up this dark morning and attuned me into what is most important.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve been a little behind in practically everything after going on my vacation.  My sleep schedule is off (hence my post on getting some good sleep yesterday) which is odd because I woke up at my normal time every morning while on vacation.  I also have to start studying for my anatomy final.  And I feel like if I don’t write everything down whether at home or work, I will forget to do something.  Ay dios mio!  I’m scatter-brained this week!

We’ve all been in this position of playing catch-up before.  Is it better to give some time for things to go back to normal?  Or do we plow through, maybe even pump up our “normal” schedules with extra stuff to boost energy?  Even though it’s hard, I’m in the pump up the normal schedule camp.  If I let myself wait it out, I will fall into a funk.

To begin to get myself back on track these past few days, I have slowly been flowing through eight sun salutations to wake up my body and mind and give thanks for what I have.  Eight seems to be my magic number because that’s about the time that my body tells me that it’s awake and feeling good.

I found this detailed infogram on how to perform a basic sun salutation:

Performing a regular, easy exercise routine in the morning is fantastic for your mind and body.  I prefer yoga, but I know yoga isn’t for everyone.  Your regular routine can be whatever you need it to be.  If going for a jog, taking your dog for a brisk walk, doing some simple stretches, etc., work for you, then do it! 🙂

Some people have the good intention to start practicing yoga but there might be a physical deterrent, like carpal tunnel or a bad back.  I say, try some easy poses and stretches and do what you can do.  If it hurts, don’t do it.  Back off and be content with what your body will allow you to do.  Remember to move with ease and breathe!  Waking your body up with a little activity will start your day off right, releasing the endorphins and brain chemicals that will put you in a good mood.  After all, it is up to you how you choose to start your day.

Now I’m off to make some juice!

How do you work through the mornings that you feel behind and off schedule?  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

7 thoughts on “Good Morning Sun Salutations

  1. I used to start my day with some sun salutations. But since we have our dog I start with a 30 / 40 min walk. It’s so nice to let my body and mind awaken like that rather than go straight into work 🙂
    By the way, are you still interested in doing a guest post?

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